Me and Ragnfrid are off to Red Cross Nordic United World College in Fjaler until thursday. She is holding lectures there, I'm going to be going underground working on my master's project.
They have internet there, obviously, so I might post. But I might not. Just a fair warning.
The Thing?
Den film skrämte livet af mig. En slädehund (og sikkert en hel del mere end det) bliver spist indefra af den her THING, det er usandsynligt uläkkert.
Um. Forget I mentioned it. Behold, the infinite plasticity of the digital: it is unmentioned!
(Det er en jævlig ubehagelig film, men du verden så bra)
"Kom tere veck, itioter! Det er icke en bische, det er en tink som imiterer en bische!"
O language-nazi of mine: shut it.
(ok, ok, Ragnfrid and I, sheesh)
Gaute: Ja! Hadde helt glemt norsken! Klassiker!
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