

Flaming/tragedy of the commons

Interesting article on group behaviour in cyberspace, particularly "flaming." That is to say, the hyperoffensive, inflammatory posts which seem to crop up in discussion groups etc every now and then.

In the middle of the article, the author mentions "the Tragedy of the Commons," which is a very interesting article on the economic principle of the same name. I don't have time to read it now, but I'm looking forward to it. It looks really interesting, and seems to back me up on some things I've been thinking about lately re moral responsibility and technology.


Blogger Silje said...

Martin, husk fagkritisk møte i morgen klokken 11.15, still nydusjet og edru, og med lang liste av innsigelser mot det professorale brettet som står til din disp.

March 09, 2005 10:19 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

forresten, fint om jeg også får en kopi av uttalelsen ang. allv302, setter veldig pris på at du tar tak, har vært mye negativ tilbakemelding ang. seminaret.

ha en fortsatt god helg!

hilsen S.

March 12, 2005 12:28 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Takk for tipset.


March 13, 2005 11:51 pm  

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