I just finished reading a fantastic article called The Labyrinth Unbound: Weblogs as Literature.
It is an in-depth attempt to discuss weblogs as literature. The author, Steve Himmer, argues that the weblog form (key elements being temporality, processuality, hypertextuality and the collapsing of traditional notions of fact, fiction, style and genre) produces a form with inherently literary attributes. It's a really good article, and anyone interested in the subject should read it.
Also, I found a weblog which looks really well-written at first glance: Jonathon Delacour's The Heart of Things, which seems to treat the medium (format?) with great nimbleness. His post on the firebombing of Japan displays a processual thinking, and the critical, factchecking method which the format seems to be suited for. Also, he is a superb writer. Maybe MA material?
dear pen to paper:
Good to see your site and get perspective on our country from elsewhere. Please visit:
velvelonnationalaffairs.blogspot.com, send us some feedback and add us to your rolls, if you can.
Kære Roy.
Jeg skriver til din spalte fordi jeg snart ikke ved hvem der er værst af de to typer amerikanere der ser ud til at eksistere på denne skøre, blå planet. Jeg brækker mig næsten over dem. Men det er bare mig, jeg har muligvis en lav kvalmetærskel. F.eks. brækker jeg mig hvis jeg hører det engelske ord dichotomy udtalt på dansk, norsk eller for den sags skyld svensk. Nogen gange brækker jeg mig bare jeg hører et svensk ord. Faktisk brækker jeg mig lige nu: bllllrgrgrgBLAAARG!
Underskrevet: Kald mig kræjsi.
P.S.: Hils Siegfried.
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