

Nuclear waste

I seem to have had an ATOM feed all this time (all Blogger accounts publish one automatically, it seems) and never knew about it. If you want to read my stuff, you can either use the ATOM one in my page (your viewer should be able to find it), or the XML logo in the bottom of the sidebar, which I've now set up.

I never really got the Atom thing until now. It's pretty clever really. Seems all my favourite blogs are syndicated in some way.


Blogger Gaute said...

I've set up my .rss reader app (the aptly named FeedReader) to automatically download feeds from my favourite blogs and news sites. I'd recommend it to anyone who feels that they waste a lot of time checking fifteen different sites for updates on a daily basis. Word of advice, though - don't subscribe to lots of post-heavy blogs like BoingBoing, or you'll be struck with information fatigue pretty quickly.

June 20, 2005 10:00 am  

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