

Min gamle venn Hedgard Hugaas, som jeg pleide å sofasurfe* hos back in the day da vi begge bodde i Bergen, har startet en blogg. Hedgard er vara i Stavanger bystyre for SV. Og han er sint! Meget sint!

* Sofasurfe (v.): Overdreven og utstrakt soving på sofaene til flere venner over lengre perioder.


Blogger Peter Larsen said...

Trivia alert:
It might interest you to know that the phrase "back in the day" didn't come into usage until the early 1980s.

January 07, 2008 9:58 pm  
Blogger mrtn said...

Really? That's teh funny, as all teh cool l0lcatz are saying! Kids these days, with their words and their so-called music. And the clothes. Ah, Mensch.

January 07, 2008 10:05 pm  

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