Palin "didn't know Africa was a continent", had tantrums and couldn't cooperate with the campaign - and It was put off the record?!? You didn't think that this was important enough to report anyway?
O HAI, my name is
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I live in Oslo, Norway. Where I work as a journalist in the literary supplement to the daily newspaper Klassekampen.
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Crooked Timber
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Edge of the American West
Ezra Klein
George Monbiot
Talking Points Memo
Boing Boing
Design Observer
Neil Gaiman
William Gibson
Jason Kottke
Making Light
Jill Walker
let it go ... move on ... it's over
word verification: soction
I guess there is a message there ...
_få meg inn, for faen, så kan det være det samme hva dere tenker om meg etter at jeg har kommet inn!_
"She was hard to control emotionally"?? "threw temper tantrums"? WTF? I mean, I fear Sarah Palin as much as the next European but doesn't it seem they're casting her as hysterical and childish? Typical hersketeknikker used against women.
A reason to keep paying attention after the election might be the possibility of Sarah Palin running for president or other high office in the future, I suppose.
I agree, Jill. This says as much about how the whole "ZOMG!1! we have the first female candidate bla bla bla" was a front for an instrumental view on the candidacy.
I think this is Fox fronting an internal struggle already happening in the GOP. The social/secular moderate conservatives are trying to position themselves to oust the fundamentalists from power while they are in disarray trying to find a new leader.
OTOH, it could be an internal faction in the fundamentalist movement trying to tar her, realising she is an obviously incompetent leader and knowing it will be the death knell of their movement if she becomes its de facto leader.
Whatever is happening, it's obvious that Palin was a pawn with purely symbolic value. There was never any political reason for including her on the ticket. Now they are trying to put the genie they let out back in the lamp.
Anon: GOD, yes. I need a new obsession.
Mette: Du blogger igjen! Herlig.
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