Cyberwar guide for beginners (mirror)
The original post is down due to bandwidth, so I'm reposting this here on Blogger, courtesy of the original poster.
Feel free to repost this anywhere, and to make mirrors! There are partial German and French translations – they are of the Boing Boing post – in comments at Boing Boing, which I've also reposted below.
"#iranelection cyberwar guide for beginners
Posted at June 16, 2009
The purpose of this guide is to help you participate constructively in the Iranian election protests through twitter.
1. Do NOT publicise proxy IP’s over twitter, and especially not using the #iranelection hashtag. Security forces are monitoring this hashtag, and the moment they identify a proxy IP they will block it in Iran. If you are creating new proxies for the Iranian bloggers, DM them to @stopAhmadi or @iran09 and they will distributed them discretely to bloggers in Iran.
2. Hashtags, the only two legitimate hashtags being used by bloggers in Iran are #iranelection and #gr88, other hashtag ideas run the risk of diluting the conversation.
3. Keep you bull$hit filter up! Security forces are now setting up twitter accounts to spread disinformation by posing as Iranian protesters. Please don’t retweet impetuosly, try to confirm information with reliable sources before retweeting. The legitimate sources are not hard to find and follow.
4. Help cover the bloggers: change your twitter settings so that your location is TEHRAN and your time zone is GMT +3.30. Security forces are hunting for bloggers using location and timezone searches. If we all become ‘Iranians’ it becomes much harder to find them.
5. Don’t blow their cover! If you discover a genuine source, please don’t publicise their name or location on a website. These bloggers are in REAL danger. Spread the word discretely through your own networks but don’t signpost them to the security forces. People are dying there, for real, please keep that in mind.
6. Denial of Service attacks. If you don’t know what you are doing, stay out of this game. Only target those sites the legitimate Iranian bloggers are designating. Be aware that these attacks can have detrimental effects to the network the protesters are relying on. Keep monitoring their traffic to note when you should turn the taps on or off.
7. Do spread the (legitimate) word, it works! When the bloggers asked for twitter maintenance to be postponed using the #nomaintenance tag, it had the desired effect. As long as we spread good information, provide moral support to the protesters, and take our lead from the legitimate bloggers, we can make a constructive contribution.
Please remember that this is about the future of the Iranian people, while it might be exciting to get caught up in the flow of participating in a new meme, do not lose sight of what this is really about."
* * *
German translation (please feel free to make into post):
1. Publiziere KEINE Proxy IP’s auf Twitter, vor allem nicht zusammen mit dem Hashtag #iranelection. Die Sicherheitskräfte überwachen Tweets mit diesem Hashtag, wenn Sie Proxy IP’s finden werden diese sofort für den Iran gsperrt und somit nutzlos. Wenn Du neue Proxy IP’s für iranische Blogger zur Verfügung stellen willst, dann sende sie per Direct Message direkt an @stopAhmadi oder @iran09. Diese leiten sie dann an Blogger im Iran weiter.
2. Hashtags, die einzigen beiden gültigen Hashtags die genutzt werden sind #iranelection und #gr88, Beiträge mit anderen Hashtags laufen Gefahr nicht gesehen zu werden!
3. Haltet die Augen offen! Sicherheitskräfte erstellen derzeit Twitter Accounts um falsche Informationen zu streuen, auch indem sie vorgeben iranische Protestler zu sein. Bitte retweete nicht impulsiv, versuche neue Informationen mit legitimen Quellen und Twitter-Accounts abzugleichen bevor Du sie retweetest. Diese sind recht leicht zu finden.
4. Hilf Blogger zu schützen: Ändere Deinen Twitter Account, Deine Location in TEHRAN und Deine Zeitzone in GMT +3.30. Sicherheitskräfte suchen nach Bloggern mit diesen Angaben. Wenn wir alle vorgeben “IranerInnen” zu sein machen wir es ihnen viel schwerer.
5. Bring sie nicht in Gefahr! Wenn Du eine verlässliche Quelle (Iranischen Blogger) findest publiziere auf keinem Fall den Usernamen. Die Blogger sind in GROSSER GEFAHR. Verbreite die Informationen stattdessen diskret in Deinem eigenen Netzwerk aber teile sie nicht öffentlich (und somit den Sicherheitskräften) mit. Menschen sterben dort, wirklich, behalte das im Hinterkopf…
* * *
Yishay dit: "L'enfer est pavé de bonnes intentions" (Y compris la mienne). Apprenez comment aider les manifestants pas le gouvernement d'Iran.
Le but de ce guide est de vous aider a participer de maniere constructive aux protestations contre les élections iranienes sur Twitter.
1. Ne rendez PAS publiques les addresses IP des proxys sur Twitter, and surtout pas en utilisant le tag #iranelection. Les forces de l'ordre suivent ce tag et dès le moment qu'ils identifient l'addresse IP d'un proxy ils le bloqueront d'Iran. Si vous creez des nouveaux proxis pour les bloggers Iraniens, envoyez un DM (message direct) à @stopAhmadi ou @iran09 et ils les distribueront discrètement aux bloggers d'Iran.
2. Les Hashtags: les deux seuls hashtags légitimes utilisés pars les bloggers d'Iran sont #iranelection et #gr88, les autres idées ont le risque de diluer la conversation.
3. Soyez attentifs au contenu! (lit: gardez votre filtre a merde en place) Les forces de l'ordre ont créé des comptes twitter pour disseminer des informations fausses en prétendant d'être des manifestants Iraniens. S'il vous plait ne re-tweetez pas sans réfléchir, essayez de confirmer l'information avec des sources sûres auparavant. Les sources legitimes ne sont pas difficiles à trouver et à suivre.
4. Aidez a masquer les bloggers: changez vos options de twitter pour que votre position soit Tehran et que votre creneau horaire soit GMT+3.30. Les forces de l'ordre cherchent les bloggers en utilisant leur position et creneau horaire. Si nous devenons tous Iraniens cela sera plus difficile pour eux.
5. Ne les révélez pas! Si vous trouvez une source vraie, ne rendez pas leur nom or leur position publiques, s'il vous plaît. [edit/add: Un autre site suggeste aussi de traduire ou de rephraser les tweets pour que les originaux soient difficiles a trouver en faisant une recherche mot-par-mot]. Rependez les informations de maniere discrete a travers vos propres reseaux mais ne les signalez pas aux forces de l'ordre. Des gens meurent ici, rééllement, s'il vous plait prenez cela en compte....
Labels: #iranelection, election 2009, iran, twitter
Den kjente neo-stalinistiske propagandist Jinge likte ikke min referanse til Robert Fisk
Robert Fisk says:
juni 17th, 2009 at 12:27
Jag tror inte på att Robert Fisk flyttat till Norge (som IP-numret kommer ifrån) / Jinge
. . . . . .
Den norska nazisten med IP-nummer ligger i spamfiltret.
Kommer abuseanmälas. / Jinge
Norway 11 Oppland Raufoss 60.7167 10.6167 Eidsiva Bredband AS PPPoE pool ERX
(Det är en känd nazze…)
Denne komentaren fra den kjente nazi Peter Olsen
Råkloakken fra lommemussolinis Norske propagandakorps er som vanlig bare tøv.
Robert Fisk befinner seg i Teheran, ikke i Oslo, hvor han etter planen skulle deltatt i et seminar onsdag. Han ble vitne til et underlig skue tirsdag: To demonstrasjonstog, ett for Mousavi, et annet bestående av Basji-milits, var bare noen meter fra hverandre. Det eneste som skilte var 500 spesialsoldater, og de valgte å beskytte opposisjonen.
Basji-militsen ville gjerne angripe opposisjonen, men soldatene lot dem ikke få lov.
Det er tegn på splittelse også innen maktapparatet. Statlige aviser skriver at demonstrantene i søndagens millionmarsj ikke provoserte, og at sju ble drept. Rektor for Teheran-universitetet retter hard kritikk mot Basji-militsen for deres brutale angrep på studenter. Alt vitner om at mer konservative og pragmatiske krefter ikke har sans for valgkuppet og overkjøringen av opposisjonen.
You've got to realise that what's happening at the moment is that the actual authorities are losing control of what's happening on the streets and that's very dangerous and damaging to them.
Robert Fisk: Fear has gone in a land that has tasted freedom
Hi Martin,
Thanks for reposting this, I'm getting more and more requests for the original post so I'm directing people this way until I can get my server back up.
No problem, Esko! Keep me posted on what happens.
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