Gainfully employed
How cool is my new job? It's so cool it got announced in the paper:
For the Norwegianly challenged, I've gotten a job as book journalist and ... I don't know what the other title is. Editorial assistant? Editorial secretary? Anyway. One of those - in the Norwegian left wing daily newspaper Klassekampen's weekly book magazine.
Oh, hey, if I look a little bit serious and existential in the photo above, it's because I'm positively dying with the flu and could hardly stand upright when it was taken.
Labels: bokmagasinet, job, klassekampen, me me me
Say no more.
Ja, likheten er slående. Men alle ondsinnete rykter om at jeg er Homer Simpson illegime kjærlighetsbarn er strengt overdrevne.
Grattis Martin!
Rett mann på rett sted spør du meg.:D
Takk, Hugaas! Det håper jeg da.
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